
The marital earnings premium: an IV approach. Empirical Economics 62 (2), 2022.

Working paper version.

Return-to-Work Policies’ Clawback Regime and Labor Supply in Disability Insurance Programs, with Arezou Zaresani. Labour Economics 78, 2022.

Individuals’ Responsiveness to Marginal Tax Rates: Evidence from Bunching in the Australian Personal Income Tax, with Shane Johnson, Robert Breunig, and Arezou Zaresani. Labour Economics 87, 2024.

Working Papers:

Tax Sheltering Cost Among High-Income Taxpayers: Evidence from an Australian Tax Policy Change, with Arezou Zaresani, and Robert Breunig.

Assortative Marriages and Household Income Inequality.

The Joint Retirement of Australian Couples, with Alan Woodland.

A Dynamic Equilibrium Model of the Wage Structure and Marriage Market in the US, with Michael Keane.

Work in Progress:

Gender Gap in Venture Investment: Evidence from Australian Tax Data, with Maxim Ananyev, and Arezou Zaresani.

Working While Unemployed? Evidence from a Work While on Claim Program in Canada, with Adam Lavecchia, Safoura Moeeni, and Arezou Zaresani.

Saving for Retirement — Intrahousehold Dynamics and Tax Incentives, with Marc Chan, Todd Morris, and Arezou Zaresani.

Birth Weight and Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from Australia, with Esther Rajadurai, and Chandana Maitra.

A Dynamic Matching Model of Marriage with Endogenous Divorce.